Which programming language should I learn in 2021?
Top 5 programming languages to learn in 2021 :
1 Python
Python is a general-purpose programming language, it's a very beginner-friendly programming language to learn. It is the fastest-growing programming language. It has simple, clean, and beginner-friendly syntax. While easy to learn, Python is powerful and versatile, and a multi-purpose language. Python has a large ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and tools. Python has a huge community due to its wide range of uses so if you stuck someone is there to help you. Python can be used for data science, machine learning, analytics, data visualization, animation, interfacing with databases, and web applications, and artificial intelligence. Python is in high job demand. It is used by Web developers, data scientists, and, data analysts, and software engineers.
Job opportunities for python programmers with an average salary.
2 JavaScript

JavaScript is the most popular language among developers and is the best beginner-friendly language to learn. Many developers today start by learning JavaScript because of its versatility. It’s often used to build websites, web servers, iOs apps, and other mobile apps. JavaScript is a full-stack language, meaning you can use it server-side as well as in front-end web development. This is a great way to get started programming simply for the fact that you can work on any part of a project using this language.
JavaScript is also very popular because of its simplicity to learn. It's used everywhere on the web because of its speed as it can be run immediately on a client-side browser. JavaScript meshes very well with other languages, meaning you can use it in a wide variety of applications.
3 Java
Java is a widely-used programming language used mostly in web and application development. It is an older language but Java programmers are still in high demand due to the complexity of the language. It is not the most beginner-friendly language but there are a lot of jobs available for Java programmers.
Some major companies are using Java on the back end, and companies like Airbnb and Google utilize the language quite a bit. Android apps are also often built in Java, and Java is one of the best languages to use for machine learning. This means that there are a lot of options for Java developers in enterprise systems.
4 C/C++
C is a great first programming language to learn because it's at the root of many other programming languages. C++ is a modern enhanced version of C and is widely used for computer science and programming.
The benefit of C/C++ is that they give developers the ability to use compilers for a variety of platforms, which makes applications written in these languages largely transportable.
Unfortunately, C/C++ is not the easiest language to learn, making the job demand high and competition fierce, though average starting salaries are often high.
5 Dart :
Dart is a client-optimized language for developing fast apps on any platform. Its goal is to offer the most productive programming language for multi-platform development, paired with a flexible execution runtime platform for app frameworks.
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