
Showing posts with the label #tech #web designing #Knowledgepedia

New Ways To Improve Sales Through Your Website.

New Ways To Improve Sales Through Your Website :  Whoever has been doing online marketing knows that the life source of a business is the traffic of a site. More visitors equal more sales. However, here are some ways that you can help your sites to improve sales without the need to get more visitors.  The first method is to invent your personal touch in your sales message. Nobody wants to get across to a total stranger, but many people will buy what their close friends advised them. If you can convince your audience that you are a well-wisher who has their best interest at heart, they will be convinced to buy your products. Remember to speak to an individual audience in your sales letter, not to your whole audience.  The second method is to publish recommendations and comments from your customers. A good idea helps to publish both good and bad comments, that way prospects will be really assured that these recommendations are real. When prospects see recommendations on your website, the

Rules for website designing :

Five Important Rules for Designing a website:     When you are designing a  website, extra attention should be paid to every minute detail to make sure it performs optimally and efficiently to serve its purpose. Here are five important rules of thumb to observe to make sure your website performs well.     Factors like  consistency, colors, typography, imagery, simplicity, and functionality contribute to a good website design. A website should be well organized, reliable, convenient, and user-friendly. 1) Do not use splash pages :    Splash pages are the first pages you see when you arrive at a website. They normally have a very beautiful image with words like "welcome" or "click here to enter". In fact, they are just that -- pretty vases with no real purpose. Do not let your visitors have a reason to click on the "back" button! Give them the value of your site upfront without the splash page. 2) Do not use excessive banner advertisements :     Even the lea